
Just had to do a quick picture post…

Way back when our grandboy Jack was one,
he did a great impression of a Cabbage Patch doll…

Now that his little brother Derik is three,
I finally figured out his “Look-Alike”…

Minus the Kewpie-style mohawk, of course.

Hugs to my sweet grandboys!

Love, Nana 🙂

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails…

… That’s what little boys are made of.

Guess who visited us this past week? Our daughter Jordan, her hubby Luke, and our two grandboys, Jackson and Derik!

Here they are sharing nicely!


Now who could resist mooching these sweet cheeks? We almost wore them out!


Or playing cars with this little guy? (And grabbing a kiss on the go!)


As you can tell, we had a grand week! We had tea parties (yes, little guys do like tea, especially if Oreo’s are involved!)…


and fed the chickens…


and the goat…


and washed and packed eggs…


and swang on swings…


and got sleepy…


… and took naps (I volunteered for nap duty… I think I wear out as quickly as the boys!)


and woke up the next morning to crow with the roosters!


My girl went home to California yesterday afternoon with all three of her guys, and it was quiet here this morning.

A little too quiet.

Itty Bitty. And Not So Itty Bitty.

Mini’s are back!!!

We’ve sold mini papercuttings for many years, but we bought the miniature frames unfinished and grain-painted them. They were so tiny that Chris wasn’t sure he wanted to make them. (He’s become quite attached to his fingers, and two inches is just a little too close to tablesaw blades for his liking!) However, the inevitable happened, and our supplier stopped making them a couple of years ago. So we bought all we could and used them sparingly. Last spring, we ran out. It was a sad day.

In a burst of creative energy this summer, Hubby Dear decided he would try making them, and figured out a way to do it safely. Our first batch of mini scherenschnitte, in our very own Itty Bitty frames made right here on the farm is  ready to go…


And a close-up, since they’re hard to see…


They’re slightly smaller than 3″ x 3″ and 3″ x 4″, and are $24 and $26, respectively. The frames are Hills & Valleys or Tiger Stripe, in either Cranberry or Umber. Colors vary slightly… sometimes the reds & blues are switched (except on the flag of course, because that would be not right.) and the larger eagles say America! or Liberty! or Freedom! Three of our favorite words. I think they deserve exclamation points. Especially when written very small.

Something else we did today was to list a couple of early limited edition pieces on Ebay… we re-painted the living room a while back, and some of the things that used to hang on the walls never made it back onto the walls. Actually, very little has been re-hung… I’m really liking the white space. Must be middle age? In the midst of the folk art that didn’t get re-hung were two limited edition pieces from a while back…If you click on their titles, you’ll find the link…


Blessed is the Nation



God Grants Liberty

They need a good home!

And before I sign out, you’ve got to go take a peek at some Itty Bitty things that aren’t so Itty Bitty anymore… our sweet little Grand Boys! Jordan just put up the cutest pictures, and Nana’s are allowed to brag a bit, aren’t they? And while you’re there, check out Jo’s new photography site! It’s fabulous!

Cute as a bug in (on?) a rug….

Hello folks! Our daughter Jo just posted a Vimeo of our littlest grandboy Derik… he’s learning to crawl. Forward that is. Look out Jo… soon you’ll have two little men on the move! 

And, check out Jo’s Photography Blog… she’s been creative with her About Me page and in a few other places, using a hand-written note about herself! (Check out her Portfolio Link too! This very biased Mom thinks she’s pretty good!)

Our youngest daughter, Kate, has been busy too. Catching up on some projects that have piled up in the sewing room. I think she’s working her way down to the fabric for our new family room curtains! (Yippee!) 

In other news, I think we’re going to have a very disappointed hen on our hands. Rhodie, a young Rhode Island Red, went broody a month or so ago. She was determined to set, even if there was nothing to set on. After about two weeks of trying to remove her from the empty nesting box, Hubby gathered half a dozen eggs and placed them under her. We really didn’t know if they were fertilized, but figured the odds were high that a least a couple of them were. She’s been setting on them for over three weeks, and no signs of Peeps yet. Poor girl.

I guess that’s about it for interesting tidbits this morning. Except we’re getting ready to head out to watch our extra daughter Sara take a very important walk… to officially graduate high school! Where does the time go? She’s the pretty blonde… and the dynamic duo are on their best behavior in this picture…


This is actually more realistic….


And I only had THREE Gummy Bears!
~ Sara Jane ~ 

Go West, Young Man!

We got back earlier this week from the biggest trip we’ve ever taken as a family… from Delaware to California and back! We got to see our daughter Jordan, her hubby Luke, and our two grandboys, Jackson and Derik! What a great week of hugs and kisses! Here’s a few pictures…

Three generations at the Farmer’s Market…


A very proud Aunt Kate holding her little Bean…


Our Jordan, holding the same little guy…


Kate and Jack…


Jack and me, having an early morning tea party!


Stealing a smooch from Derik!


Pop-Pop holding Derik… he finally got him away from us girls!


A very proud Papa!


Pop-Pop and Jack playing in the dirt!


Jo and her boys!


Three generations again…


Jo, Luke, Kate, and the boys!


We had a grand time… for some REALLY good photos, check out Jo’s website and her Flick’r!  It amazes me how we can shoot the same things, yet how the photo’s turn out looking so different!

A brand new grandboy!

Today was an exciting day! Jo and Luke gave us a new grandboy… Derek Mark Boesch was born this afternoon, weighing in at 7 lb., 13 oz. and measuring out at 19″! Don’t quote me on the spelling of his first name… in their excitement of that phone call to us, they weren’t sure how his namesake (Luke’s friend) spelled his name! The middle name is after Luke’s Dad!

Can’t wait to see the little guy! Don’t you think Jackson will be surprised when his Mommy & Daddy get home?! We’ll put up pictures as soon as we have one!

Home again, after a very brief respite…

Mom, Kate, and I got a chance to sneak away for a couple of days, and I’ve come home bursting with ideas and inspiration. Now to get it all down on paper…


Here are my most recent treasures from my favorite spot in the world…I splurged on a great folk art resource book, a book by Eric Sloane that for some reason hadn’t made it into our library yet, a nice little pottery cup for “period” painting demonstrations, and two little presents for my newest Valentine…


I don’t think he’s checking the blog yet, but his Mama will know how special these things are! (And Jo & Luke, they had GIANT LIFE SIZE Hotch Potch men… but I couldn’t convince them to sell me one! Aren’t you lucky!) (((But I’m going to keep checking!))) The tiny little cup stays on the East coast since it matches a set of vintage restaurant dishes we have… do you think Jack will prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

Well, have a great Thursday everyone!

Back to blogging…

Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to write. Fall is always a little hectic around here. It seems we go from our summer “tear the store apart and put it back together” August “break” to our New Year’s Sale without taking a breath! This year, we started in July with Nana being very sick and then going home to be with the Lord, we tore the store apart and put it back together, did a craft show, added a new grandbaby 🙂 and then the grandbaby and his mommy & daddy packed up and moved across the continent (We love & miss you Jo, Luke, & Jack!), and now we’re trying to process that information and continue heading toward the Christmas season and a much needed winter break.

I’m still trying to catch my breath!

And, I’m hoping to get back to regular blogging! Papercuttings have been selling like crazy, which is a good thing! I’ve been working daily to keep up with orders. Pumpkins were all the rage last month, and now turkeys are the thing. Trouble is, I REALLY need to get some Christmas things in the works! Yikes!

Today, one of our papercuttings went off to a Guild of American Papercutters exhibit at the Biltmore Estate. I discovered this evening that we put the wrong hanging get-up on the back, but I think/hope it can be remedied by sending additional hanging thingies to the dear lady setting up the exhibit. I hope for her sake all the contributors aren’t as scatter-brained as me! It’s been quite a while since we did a traveling exhibit with GAP, though, and it’s fun to be back in the papercutting loop. For a few years, I thought I had lost all interest and inspiration for papercuttings, but it seems to be coming back full force and the ideas are just snowballing. 🙂 I’m glad to get over that bump in the road!

Well, I guess I need to head off to bed to try and get some shut-eye! Looking very much forward to a restful Sunday! Goodnight!

Big Day Yesterday!

Yesterday involved a lot of work (on my daughter & son-in-love’s part) and very little sleep, but the end result was worth it…


Our very first Grandbaby was born! His name is Jackson Christopher Boesch, and he’s a roly poly dumpling. He was very alert yesterday and endured many kisses and snuggles with great patience. He’s one of the three prettiest babies I’ve ever seen…and of course that’s not a biased statement.
