
Growing up in a family of antique dealers and history lovers, Kim Frey has been crafting since she was a child. In 1989, while visiting a traditional folk craft exhibit, the early American paper arts caught her eye… intricate scherenschnitte, brightly colored fraktur, and traditional silhouettes… and Kim instantly knew where she was heading with her artwork! Chris Frey was also inspired by the beautiful faux-grained frames that held the artwork, and he headed home to master mitered corners. The kitchen table has been covered with paper snippings and frames ever since! Since 1990, the Freys’ artwork has been shown at local Art Leagues, in traveling exhibits with the Guild of American Papercutters, in special exhibits with Delaware State Museums, and in museum and gift shops across the country.


…a Pennsylvania German folk craft, literally meaning “scissors snipping.” Scherenschnitte was used to create Valentines, Christmas tree ornaments, cake stencils, artwork for the home, and shelf decorations.


…an artistic form of important documents such as birth, baptismal, and wedding records. Fraktur were also given as rewards of merit for good students, house blessings, and bookplates.


…sometimes called “shades” or “shadows,” silhouettes were the common man’s portrait before modern photography was invented.

The Freys…

…live in Delaware with their daughter Katelyn, April the Goat, a whole bunch of chickens, and Oreo the cat. (Daughter Jordan, son-in-love Luke, and grandboys Jackson and Derik are staking a claim way out west!) Their artwork…and often the Freys themselves…can be seen in person atΒ Hudson’s General Store, in Clarksville, Delaware.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Kim,
    Thanks for your templates for art journalling! I’ve found your blog via Pinterest and I really like it and made good use of your advices. You’ve get me started and I have shared a blogpost about journalling myself and showed some of your templates (hope that’s allright) and gave credits to you. And it did inspire some more people πŸ™‚
    –> http://eigenwijslandelijkgeinspireerd.blogspot.nl/2012/12/jaarjournaal.html
    -> http://eigenwijslandelijkgeinspireerd.blogspot.nl/2013/01/iets-nieuws.html
    There’s Google Tranlator on my blog.
    Thanks again,

    • Thanks you Anna! I’m going to try that translator! Your blog is beautiful, and I can tell we’re both Tasha Tudor fans! I’m going to link back to it in my next post!

      Good to meet you, and so glad you’re able to use the art journaling ideas!

      Kim πŸ™‚

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