Randomness, and various other sundry things…

Okay, TODAY is the very random post.

My spinach, peas, and a few bits of lettuce are poking through the dirt and looking happy.

The hens are confused about their identity. Some think they are geese, others think they are sparrows.


The worms are happily thriving on the art room counter. I’m hoping they move under the counter soon.

I wrote a post on the Farmgirl Flair site yesterday.

Yesterday’s Homemaking Challenge was the kitchen, and we re-organized the stuff on the counters. I also bought Mrs. Meyer’s All Purpose Cleaner and can’t wait to try mopping with it. Honest!

While looking up the link for Mrs. Meyer’s, I discovered they now have those plug-in diffuser thingies!

Happy things are happening this Spring! ‘Tis the season of growth and new life.


And now I must be off to chore-doing. Have a great Tuesday!