The Historic Interior!

Good morning folks! We just wanted to let you know about a new and exciting venue for us… Thistle Dew Mercantile is now listed as a Featured Artisan on The Historic Interior! It’s a wonderful resource website for decorating the historic home, and a great resource for museum and gift shops!

Louise Corderman, an interior designer from Fredericksburg, Virginia, is the owner and founder of The Historic Interior. Her incredible website offers resources for historic decorating, renovation, and restoration, and spans the timeline from the Colonial period through the Art Deco period. She has a great desire to promote period artisans and small entreprenuers, as well as small museums across our country. She’s certainly been a blessing to us!

Head on over to Louise’s site for a virtual field trip…
You’ll love it!

The Historic Interior

We’ve also done a bit of re-vamping our silhouette line in honor of working with Louise! Over the years, our silhouettes have been mostly reproductions of original silhouettes by artists such as August Edouart. We still do some original reproductions, but we’re beginning to focus on doing period-correct silhouettes of the common folk of each time period in Early American history. Using our reenactor friends, trips to historic sites, antiques, and historic resources such as woodcuts and prints, we’re developing an entire line of our own silhouettes. You can take a look at the beginnings of the line on our Silhouette page, and can download a price sheet here:

18th Century Silhouettes

Happy Time Traveling!