Look who visited the art room…

Kate found a new friend in the art room the other day… usually critters in the art room are of the spider sort of species, but this little guy was a little friendlier looking!

A blue-tailed salamander! He was a fast mover, but we caught him under a drinking glass for this photo op. He was very glad to be released, and hasn’t ventured back inside again.

The house is beginning to look like a house again, as the dust settles from the past couple of weeks. We did have a furniture moving episode this week… I think the men are hoping the new baby has finally settled into its proper resting place. I’m still wondering. Think “Flight of the Bumblebee” on a baby G with the lid open only four feet away from where I’m currently sitting. Wow.


And speaking of babies, take a look at our sweetie pie. Have you ever seen a more handsome little guy? Oh wait, his brother was pretty cute too! And their Mom knows just when to snap those pictures! (Keep snapping Jo, they grow up quickly!) Can’t wait to get my hands on them both! (And to see my girl!)

Well, this post is a little on the random side! Have a good night!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow, behind it, yet within our reach, is Joy.

Take Joy!

~Fra Giovanni~

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